Cancer Sucks…..

July 29, 2012 sweetpea2200
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Well, I did it. I had been think of just writing the blog about Madison’s mommy shaving her head, then I read Jennifer’s blog wondering if she was brave enough and wondered why not. I thought at first it would be weird because I was not that close to Madison or her beautiful Mommy, then I saw how excited she was about the out poring of support and thought why not. Then reality sat in, I love my hair and I would really miss it and people would stare and question, and the big question, what if my beautiful curly hair did not grow back, but grew in straight or flat or different and what am I to do if short hair. I have had twenty-nine years to figure out how to do my hair in less than five minutes. Gel or ponytail. Mind, you that the clipper have been sitting out on my bathroom cabinet since last week, and all day they were calling my name. Then, I saw my dear friend and son shave their heads in support, and totally wanted to do it too. How many chances in a lifetime does a girl get in shave her hair in support? So, why not, but the question still plagued me, is my curly hair going to grow back? Then, I thought who cares my hair is half gray already so does it matter? Nope!!!



Here are the before and after picture. I did remember afterward that my sister wedding in two months away, and she is going to kill but their are wigs. I have to say that this is pretty cool.

Thank you Madison and Amy for inspiring me and reminding me for special life is and how blessed, I am. If you feel lead to help Amy reach her goal here is the link.

And for my Papa who lost his battle with cancer in 1995, Uncle who is currently is remission, and Joetta who is battle cancer again, prayers for you.

Entry Filed under: Faith,Family,Health,Kids,Life,Mothers

9 Comments Add your own

  • 1. memyselfandkids  |  July 30, 2012 at 7:15 AM

    I think that is nice of you to support your friend in such a public way. I hope she makes a full recovery.

  • 3. Jennifer  |  July 30, 2012 at 7:46 AM

    That’s awesome. I’m proud of you.

    • 4. sweetpea2200  |  July 30, 2012 at 8:49 AM

      Thank you, Jennifer, it was totally cool.

  • 5. I Didn’t Do It | In&hellip  |  July 30, 2012 at 12:28 PM

    […] A friend did it though. And she sits beside me all day.  Courageous bald head mocking me. Maybe I can hang onto that and take the plunge this evening… […]

  • 6. themirrenlee  |  July 30, 2012 at 10:25 PM

    My grandson got leukemia when he was 6. He’s 13 now and well and happy, thank goodness. I just wanted to share our experience re hair: everyone we knew shaved their heads for the fundraising effort we have in Australia called “The World’s Greatest Shave”. Hairdressers donated their skills and time in shopping malls. It’s an incredible effort every year. The main thing we discovered, though, is that when hair was shaved it grew back in exactly the same as it was. It was only when it fell out completely with chemotherapy that a change might happen. One of the most dramatic examples I saw was a 7 year old whose straight hair grew back in as a mass of thick curls. My grandson’s just frew back maybe a bit thicker and very healthy. So I wouldn’t worry about your hair growing back differently.

    • 7. sweetpea2200  |  July 30, 2012 at 10:35 PM

      Thank you for sharing, glad your grandson is doing well. The World Greatest Shave sounds like a pretty awesome fundraiser.

  • 8. Missah MY  |  July 31, 2012 at 7:41 AM

    You’re a brave, beautiful soul. Respect 🙂

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